!!!! Calling all stakeholders !!!
Seafish are running an in-person stakeholder engagement event for the Crab & Lobster Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) at Bridlington Spa on Tuesday 15th November from 5pm to 7pm.
This is an opportunity for all stakeholders in the North Eastern IFCA District to engage with the development of the Crab & Lobster FMP.
The Fisheries Act 2020 provides the framework to manage our fisheries as an independent coastal state outside the EU Common Fisheries Policy, under this legislation DEFRA are required to publish Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs) to help deliver the UK’s ambition for sustainable fisheries.
Each FMP will set out goals and the actions needed for their achievement. The precise mechanisms needed will depend on the goals set out in the plan. Defra (and the other national fisheries authorities) must then take the actions set out in plan.
The crab and lobster FMP will cover stocks in English waters only. The Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) is working closely with the Crab and Lobster Management Group, an industry-led advisory group, to draft the FMP. Find out more about the Crab and Lobster FMP on the Seafish website.
Additional online stakeholder engagement events will be hosted by Seafish on the following dates:
Drop in session (all areas) Crab & Lobster - Friday 18 November 2pm to 3:30pm Online via Microsoft Teams
Wider stakeholders engagement event Crab & Lobster - Thursday 24 November 1pm to 3pm Online via Microsoft Teams
Drop in session (all areas) Crab & Lobster - Thursday 1 December 2pm to 3:30pm Online via Microsoft Teams
For access to the online events please contact the Fisheries Management team at Seafish by emailing fisheriesmanagementplans@seafish.co.uk.
Any further queries please feel free to contact the NEIFCA office on 01482 393515.