North Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority
Sections 155 & 156 Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the above Regulation, North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority intends to apply to the Minister for the Department for Environment Food and Rural affairs for confirmation of the following Byelaws:
BYELAW XXIX Humber Estuary Fishing Byelaw 2022
This proposed byelaw maintains existing provisions for the management of trawling activities within the Humber Estuary and includes a revision to the boundaries of the ‘Spurn Point Sea Grass Area’ to ensure the continued protection of sensitive marine habitat, from potentially damaging activities, within that designated area.
BYELAW XXVIII Shellfish Permit Byelaw 2022
This proposed byelaw sets out new provisions for the management and conservation of crab and lobster stocks throughout the Authority’s district. As well as including all existing current management measures in force, designed to protect lobster and crab stocks within the NEIFCA district, the new byelaw regulation also provides for a number of new measures to be applied and varied, as mandatory conditions to the permit issued. Two types of permits will be offered, Category 1 (commercial) and Category 2 (recreational). The byelaw also sets out a new charging regime for both permit types. Key provisions within the proposed byelaw include the following:
- An extension to the number of species covered by the byelaw to include nephrops (prawns), European green (shore) crab, mussel, winkle, razer clam, scallop and surf clam.
- A cap on the maximum number of commercial pots permitted to be worked within the Authority’s district of up to 1000 per vessel.
- A cap on the number of commercial shellfish permits offered of 234 per annum, maintaining existing levels of activity.
- A new charge levied for the issue of commercial permits, index linked to the number of pots worked, up to a maximum of £350 per year.
- A reduction in the number of permitted recreational pots from 10 to 5.
- A new charge levied for the issue of recreational permits of £10 per annum.
- An exemption from the requirement to hold a permit for recreational ‘catch and release’ fisheries where shellfish are caught by hand, baited line or drop net and returned back to the sea.
A full text of the above byelaws and supporting RIAs can be inspected, please see below. Paper copies can be obtained from North Eastern IFCA, Town Hall, Quay Road, Bridlington, YO16 4LP, Tel: 01482 393515, free of charge.
BYELAW XXIX Humber Estuary Fishing Byelaw 2022
Humber Estuary Fishing Byelaw
Humber Estuary Fishing Byelaw RIA
Humber Estuary Fishing Byelaw Response Form
BYELAW XXVIII Shellfish Permit Byelaw 2022
Shellfish Permit Flexible Byelaw
Shellfish Permit Flexible Byelaw Conditions
Shellfish Permit Flexible Byelaw RIA
Shellfish Permit Flexible Byelaw - Consultation Response Form
As part of the consultation, we are seeking your views on specific elements of the byelaw contained in the Formal Consultation Form bellow. We welcome your feedback and ask that you return the completed consultation response form via email to ne-ifca@eastriding.gov.uk or post to NEIFCA, Town Hall, Quay Road, Bridlington, YO16 4LP, closing date for responses Tuesday 17th October 2023
Shellfish Permit Flexible Byelaw Consultation Response Form
Shellfish Permit Flexible Byelaw Consultation Response Form
Any person who wishes to object to the confirmation of this byelaw must send a statement of their objection in writing to the Marine Conservation and Enforcement Team, Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 7YH (or IFCAbyelaws@marinemanagement.org.uk) and the North Eastern IFCA, Town Hall, Quay Road, Bridlington, YO16 4LP, or via email to ne-ifca@eastriding.gov.uk, by Friday 27th October 2023
Please Note - all feedback and objections regarding the Humber Estuary Fishing Byelaw and the Shellfish Permit Flexible Byelaw must be submitted in writing, we cannot accept verbal feedback/objections in response to the consultation via the telephone