
North Eastern IFCA carry out consultations in relation to fishing activity within our jurisdiction.

Your views are very important to us and these consultations are for you to have your say on the future direction of fisheries management in the region. You can respond to current consultations online or you can download our forms, write to us, or speak to an Officer directly. Some consultations/calls for information are open ended and we are pleased to hear from you throughout the year; others have a deadline and require a response within a certain time period, so please be mindful when submitting your response.

North Eastern Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority

 Section 155 Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the above Regulation, North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority intends to apply to the Minister for the Department for Environment Food and Rural affairs for confirmation of the following Byelaw:

 BYELAW XXXIII Beam Trawling Byelaw 2024

This proposed byelaw sets out new provisions for Beam Trawling within the Authority’s district and is designed to support the management and development of an emergent fishery targeting scallops. The new byelaw regulation also provides for a number of additional management measures to be applied to the use of beam trawls and varied, as mandatory conditions to the permit issued. Key provisions within the proposed byelaw include the following:

·         The use of a beam trawl within the NEIFCA district for the exploitation of sea fisheries resources will require an additional permit to be held.

·         NEIFCA may limit the number of beam trawl permits issued in any one year.

·         To be eligible to apply for a permit, vessels must not exceed 150KW engine power and have held a permit to trawl within the NEIFCA district for three years prior to 6 June 2024.

·          A proposed fee of £200 will be charged for each permit.

A full text of the above byelaw and supporting RIA can be inspected at, or obtained from North Eastern IFCA, Town Hall, Quay Road, Bridlington, YO16 4LP, Tel: 01482 393515, free of charge, or viewed by following the links below

 Beam Trawl Permit Byelaw
Beam Trawl Regulatory Impact Assessment

Any person who wishes to object to the confirmation of this byelaw must send a statement of their objection in writing to the Marine Conservation and Enforcement Team, Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 7YH (or and the North Eastern IFCA, Town Hall, Quay Road, Bridlington, YO16 4LP (or by Friday 23 August 2024


Please Note - all feedback and objections regarding the Beam Trawling Byelaw must be submitted in writing, we cannot accept verbal feedback/objections in response to the consultation via the telephone

Get in touch with us

Have you got a question? Use the form here to ask us, or contact us directly using our details below.

01482 393515

Town Hall,
Quay Road,
YO16 4LP

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